Caitlin’s look

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Caitlin Halloween

When you have twins in the family, the Halloween costume possibilities get awesome.
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Caitlin birthday

I’ve learned that it’s best to be constantly ready with the camera. You never know when this chick is going to do something memorable with her tongue.
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Caitlin Easter spread

Sometimes, being the World’s Greatest Aunt means being willing to roll around on the grass on Easter in your nice skirt because the twins have decided to do so.
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Ryan book 4

As a consummate historian, I also include photos I didn’t take myself.
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Ryan book 3

These books are a great way to show off a small percentage of the literally thousands of photos I take of these kids each year. Also, I get to be snarky in the text, and the kids won’t realize it for decades. They only care about the pictures so far.
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